Smart contract libraries

Proof of Machinehood (PoM) libraries enable developers to implement on-chain machine attestation validations for integration with smart contracts. Open-source smart contract libraries as such provide reusable code components that simplify the development process.

Integrate Proof of Machinehood

PoM integration as straightforward as importing AttestationVerificationBase.sol to the smart contract. This is independent of the machine (or device type) that the project supports.

Start by adding this line to the smart contract:

import {AttestationVerificationBase} from "@automata-network/proof-of-machinehood-contracts/AttestationVerificationBase.sol";

Upon importing the Proof of Machinehood libraries, the smart contract can invoke the verifyAttStmt() method. In doing so, the expected challenge and attestation data generated by the user's device via the Web Authentication API is passed on to the function. This returns a boolean value that indicates the validity of the provided attestation.

The attestation format contains two parameters:

  • Attestation Object - Includes authenticator data and Attestation Statement. Different devices have pre-defined attestation statements, which is covered in the next section.

  • Client data - Stored as JSON string in an ArrayBuffer

The open-source code for Proof of Machinehood smart contract libraries can be found here.

Attestation Statements

Verification of Android device attestation

Below is the Attestation Statement from an Android device, verified by this library, along with a detailed explanation of each field.

struct AttStmt {
    ISigVerifyLib.Algorithm alg;
    string jwtHeader;
    string jwtPayload;
    string jwtSignature;
    ISigVerifyLib.Certificate[] x5c;
  • alg: The algorithm used to generate the signature(jwtSignature) for the JWT (JSON Web Token).

  • jwtHeader: The header of the JWT obtained from Google's SafetyNet Service. This field contains a certificate chain that can be used to verify the identity of the device.

  • jwtPayload: The payload of the JWT from Google's SafetyNet Service. It includes fields such as ctsProfileMatch and basicIntegrity, which help in checking the device's integrity.

  • jwtSignature: The signature part of the JWT from Google's SafetyNet Service, which is signed using the first certificate in the x5c array.

  • x5c: The certificate chain included in the jwtHeader. This field is added to simplify the on-chain implementation process. Technically, it's possible to extract the certificate chain directly from the jwtHeader.

Refer to the complete verification procedure for exact details.

Verification of Windows device attestation

Below is the Attestation statement from a Windows device, verified by this library, along with a detailed explanation of each field.

struct AttStmt {
    ISigVerifyLib.Algorithm alg;
    bytes sig;
    ISigVerifyLib.Certificate[] x5c;
    bytes certInfo;
  • alg: The algorithm used to generate the signature sig.

  • sig: The signature created using the first certificate in x5c. It provides cryptographic proof of various properties of the device and the credential.

  • x5c: The certificate chain that verifies the identity of the device.

  • certInfo: This is the data that is signed and represents a complex structure defined by Microsoft.

Refer to the complete verification procedure for exact details.

Verification of YubiKey attestation

Below is the attestation statement from a YubiKey, verified by this library, along with a detailed explanation of each field.

struct AttStmt {
    ISigVerifyLib.Algorithm alg;
    bytes signature;
    ISigVerifyLib.Certificate[] x5c;
  • alg: The algorithm used to generate the signature sig.

  • sig: The signature created using the first certificate in x5c. It provides cryptographic proof of specific properties of the device and the credential.

  • x5c: The certificate chain that verifies the identity of the device.

Refer to the complete verification procedure for exact details.

Last updated