Bridging ERC721 Tokens from L2 to L1

Go to the Withdraw tab of the rollup bridge at In the token selector, choose the MNT test token and the index of the NFT you wish to withdraw from Automata Testnet.

When you click "Withdraw", your wallet will ask you to confirm the transaction. After you confirm the transaction, the withdrawal process will start: the verifier will post the transaction commitment on Ethereum Sepolia, and after the transaction commitment is posted, there will be a challenge period during which any verifier can challenge the transaction if it is fraudulent.

At the end of the challenge period, if there is no successful challenge, you will be able to withdraw your NFT on Ethereum Sepolia.

First, you will have to switch to the Ethereum Sepolia.

Second, click on "Finalize Withdrawal", confirm the transaction in your wallet, and your NFT will shortly arrive on Ethereum Sepolia.

Last updated